There is now an organisation with a Facebook page called Zero Waste Skibbereen. The name says it all, but is it seriously achievable? Unless you have been hiding under a rock for a good while, you will know as well as anyone that this poor planet is suffering, possibly terminally, from misuse by the human race.
If we do nothing then the chances are that the word ’possibly’ will be removed from the sentence. It does not matter where we live, our practices are killing the wildlife, wrecking the atmosphere, the oceans, forests and countryside and the ecology upon which we ultimately depend. We can wring our hands in despair, blaming everything on ‘the system’ and demand that ‘they’ do something about it, or (against all current scientific thinking) insist all this has nothing to do with us, and carry on as normal, convinced that there is no point in changing anything as ‘it’ is going to happen anyway.
Alternatively, and this is why I am writing this blog (!), we can look around and see what we can do ourselves and just get on with it! Outside the areas of the world that are so wracked with war and famine where pure survival saps all energy, there is a stirring in the grassroots of people with a huge dissatisfaction with their own government’s lack of will and/or lack of urgency in dealing with the problems in hand and who are taking on these challenges themselves. In amongst the despairing articles in the media, a scroll through Facebook will bring to light the positive efforts by people who clear their beaches of rubbish, reduce their use of plastic, upcycle otherwise unwanted items and tend their gardens in a way which encourages wildlife and take steps to reduce their energy use.
It is quite uplifting, knowing there are so many people around with similar views and we can all actually DO something to mitigate the situation.
Organisations abound with postings to help you live more lightly on the Earth, some useful and others with ideas that just won’t suit your lifestyle, sometimes making the task seem insurmountable, even if you are really keen to take some positive action. Others are just plain kooky. How can you steer a path through all this without wasting days staring at a small screen or giving up entirely and heading back under that rock with a book and a cup of cocoa?
Enter Zero Waste Skibbereen.
It is part of the Sustainable Skibbereen platform. Our first aim is to fish out the more useful hints and guides offered online to help people to move into a more sustainable lifestyle and reduce our footprint on this planet; to use less and to waste less. We would like to provide practical tips that will work here where we live and share the positive experiences of doing this. How the group moves forward depends on its members and their input. It may be possible to introduce meet ups and workshops. But first, why not ‘like’ the page and if you have ideas and hints or find useful websites and helpful links please do post them. If you have a suggestion, a story, or a blog of your own, let’s share it. And of course sign up for the blog updates
Aiming for zero waste is a journey. It starts here!