Whales and Plastic

Whale Watch West Cork skipper Rory Jackson gave a talk at the Family Fun Day at Inish Beg on the dangers of allowing our plastic rubbish to be washed out to sea.  He showed a large collection of plastic including boxes, bottles and balloons collected while out on a recent whale watching trip on the Liscannor Star.  He and lead Skipper on the Voyager Nick Slocum are sadly collecting rubbish from the sea on a daily basis while whale watching.  More info on the trips at whalewatchwestcork.com  The image above shows the shocking results on sea mammals who may swallow these plastics.

Quoted in the Irish Times

Some 80 pieces of plastic rubbish weighing 8kgs were found in the stomach of a whale that died after a five-day effort to save it. The pilot whale spat out five plastic bags on Friday and later died. An autopsy found another 80 bags and other plastic items weighing 8kgs in the whale’s stomach.


ACTIVE Projects

Doughnut Economy
Fair Trade
Skibbereen Walks
Zero Waste