Insomnia Fair trade Coffee

Have you tried @_InsomniaCoffee ‘s new Voyager coffee made from 100% Fairtrade coffee beans from Ascarive & Fedecocagua cooperatives in Brazil & Guatemala yet? 🇧🇷🇬🇹

We have and we highly recommend 😋

ASCARIVE’s mission is to produce high quality coffee, allowing small producers to improve their income, recognizing the product’s quality, producing with ethical principles, and preserving the environment, while guaranteeing sustainability at long term.

FEDECOGAGUA is a certified Fairtrade producer based in Guatemala. Fairtrade is an alternative approach to conventional trade and is based on a partnership between producers and consumers. Fairtrade offers producers a better deal and improved terms of trade. This allows them the opportunity to improve their lives and plan for their future. Fairtrade offers consumers a powerful way to reduce poverty through their everyday shopping.

ACTIVE Projects

Doughnut Economy
Fair Trade
Skibbereen Walks
Zero Waste