The present extraordinary time demands extraordinary measures to keep us safe and well. We need to have tools to help and support our immune system as much as possible,and there are recipes available that everyone can concoct for themselves.
One such is Fire cider, made from spices which we probably use daily. These are Garlic,Ginger Chili,and Horseradish.
If it is difficult to source horseradish it is ok to omit it. The spices all have anti-pathogenic properties and are used for viral and bacterial infections.
Get a large,clean,sterilised glass jar and layer the jar(as shown above) with finely sliced ginger root, garlic and chilis. Then pour in cider vinegar, enough to cover all the spices used. Put the lid on the jar and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks, shaking the jar daily.
After this time strain off the liquid. Measure the amount of liquid strained and add to it the same quantity of honey.
Honey is an essential addition as the mixture would be too fiery to take. Pour the prepared liquid plus honey in a clean glass bottle and this can be kept in the fridge. Take 5ml daily as a preventative and 5ml 3x daily in the presence of a respiratory infection.
There are many other herbs that can be taken for immune support at this time.
These include..
Thyme herb which has anti-viral properties and is a great respiratory support herb, calming coughing and wheezing and assisting expectoration and clearing phlegm. Thyme is easy to source as a fresh herb and can be made into a tea by chopping half and ounce and adding hot water..half it. Cover the container to stop the valuable therapeutic oils from escaping and let steep for at least a half hour. This is strained and the herb discarded and a cupful drunk 1-3x daily.
Another well know herb which offers immune support is Echinacea. This is commonly taken in Tiincture form as drops and can be bought from health food stores. Research has shown that Echinacea root stimulates the proliferation of white cells involved in the immune response. Dosage is 2.5 ml 1-3x daily, in water.
Elecampane is another wonderful herb to support the immune and respiratory system. It can be taken as a tincture in the same amounts as for Echinacea. Elecampane is commonly used by herbalists for respiratory and stomach infections.
There are many other herbs for immune support and two I use frequently are Astralagus root as well as False Ginseng. These two herbs have the added ability to help debility, weakness and improve energy.
Two excellent wild food sources that can be sourced presently are 3 cornered leek and wild garlic/ramsons. Both have a great affinity to the respiratory system like their family members, garlic and onion. The plants are edible and can be used in salads,sautéed with vegetables or made into a zesty pesto.
For any information on the herbs used in this article please contact
Jacqueline Kilbryde. Medical herbalist 0863369642