O’ Donnell’s furniture have a wonderful wildflower meadow in front of their premises on the Baltimore road. This local family run business is participating in the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan by conserving certain areas of their grounds in order to save the Bees. Out of the 98 Bee Species in Ireland, one third are being threatened with extinction due the decline in pollinator numbers. This needs to change. Aodh O’ Donnell managing director explained that since they have left the meadow grow an Irish purple orchid has been found growing on the meadow along with many other species including many ox-eye daisies. Tim Cooke, employee at the firm is leading the pollinator project and it has been a real success.
It’s great to see local companies signing up to the pollinator plan and as you can see their grounds are enhanced and improved by doing less. There’s less grass to cut, more biodiversity, more bees and ultimately it’s a win win for nature and whoever has to cut the grass at O’ Donnell’s. Well done O’ Donnell furniture and we hope others will follow your lead! Sustainable Skibbereen urge you to leave areas of grass uncut to encourage wildflowers and help our pollinators. And don’t miss the picture of the amazing orchid below!